Access Your Higher-Self Naturally



The Gateway is a Portal for empowering health and expanding consciousness Naturally!. We offer an array of Services, Classes and Community Events that facilitates the process of self-discovery, transformational healing, and integration for sustained alignment with the Higher Self.

Our Whole Person approach allows for a shift in consciousness to happen one-person at a time so that it can create a ripple effect throughout the planet. 


Our Practitioners & Readers

Sharada LaSpisa 

Sound Healer, Reiki Master & Vibrational Life Coach.

Archie Scott

Author, DMSO Specialist

Joyce Gerber

Holistic Health Practitioner, Educator, Speaker, Consultant, and Coach.

Conversations with Tony Camacho about-
Life, Community, Paying it Forward and more…

Founder of the The Gateway – A Portal for Growth & Wellness

It is best to schedule your visit with us by calling or emailing so that we may best assist you.

(424) 273-5560

10401 Venice Blvd, Suite 202,
Los Angeles, CA 90034