This is a time traveling romance that involves a search for the legendary fountain of youth. During his search, Tom, played by Hugh Jackman, begins to grasp the mysteries of life, love and death.
Price of admission is $10 payable upon arrival.
Includes organic popcorn with seasonings and bottled water or bring your own re-usable bottle.
Please note that no other drinks will be allowed in the sanctuary viewing space other than water.
Arrive at 7:30 PM to check in and socialize. Movie begins at 8:00 and doors will close at 8:15 PM.
Movie is followed by a spirited discussion on the mysteries of life, love, death and the fountain of youth.
First timers – text your RSVP to 424-273-5560
This takes place at The Gateway Portal located on the edge of Palms/Culver City, Los Angeles 90034
Entry details given at the time of your RSVP – if it is your first time coming to The Gateway you will need specific instructions.
This is a time traveling romance that involves a search for the legendary fountain of youth. During his search, Tom, played by Hugh Jackman, begins to grasp the mysteries of life, love and death.
Price of admission is $10 payable upon arrival.
Includes organic popcorn with seasonings and bottled water or bring your own re-usable bottle.
Please note that no other drinks will be allowed in the sanctuary viewing space other than water.
Arrive at 7:30 PM to check in and socialize. Movie begins at 8:00 and doors will close at 8:15 PM.
Movie is followed by a spirited discussion on the mysteries of life, love, death and the fountain of youth.
First timers – text your RSVP to 424-273-5560
This takes place at The Gateway Portal located on the edge of Palms/Culver City, Los Angeles 90034
Entry details given at the time of your RSVP – if it is your first time coming to The Gateway you will need specific instructions.